Rani “Ronnie” Altinawi of AUDI States in 2017 Facebook Chat That He Thought A Child Being Raped By A Janitor Was “The Funniest Thing Ever”

Meet Rani “Ronnie” Altinawi of Westminster, CA and who currently works at AUDI Fletcher Jones.

Rani Altinawi Facebook

Rani Altinawi of AUDI Fletcher Jones

In a May 2017 Facebook chat – Rani Altinawi demonstrated his depravity when he stated that he witnessed a boy get raped in a bathroom and thought it was funniest thing ever – as evidenced by the below chat:

Rani Altinawi Demonstrating His Depravity

To try to cover the whole scenario upas he tried to get a restraining order against the person to silence them – but that didn’t work as it would get reversed on appeal because it restrained his right to free speech.  

Moreover – Ronnie Altinawi admitted on the record that he did in fact make the above statements:

Rani Altinawi On The Record

Prior to working at AUDI, Rani worked at La Mirage Night Club where customers were often upset by Rani Altinawi’s conduct as evidenced below:

Upset Customer 
Upset Customer 2
Upset Customer 2
Rani Altinawi Manager of La Mirage



