Omar Siddiqui – Lawyer for Radical Mosques in Southern California – Brags About Gaining The Trust of President Biden and FBI Director Christopher Wray

When confronted about getting notified that a certain someone had lobbied to YouTube to take down his channel alleging “Islamophobia” – Omar Siddiquiwho ran for Congress in 2018 and thankfully lost – could not help but to boast, laugh and brag that he seemingly has the trust of United States President Joe Biden and FBI Director Christopher Wray as evidenced in the below emails:

Omar Siddiqui Called Out

Notice above how he specifically mentioned radical Islamic imams like Muzammil Siddiqi – who Omar Siddiqi represents – and the take down of Western civilization.

Omar Siddiqui could not help himself but to take the bait and in doing so – did not mince his words as he bragged about being the one to take down his YouTube channel – silencing his free speech rights:

Omar Siddiqui's Response

If you didn’t know, Omar Siddiqui practices law at Siddiqui Law and on his website he states that he was an advisor for the FBI:

Omar Siddiqui was an advisor for the FBI

When you have lawyers who represent radical imams and mosques advising the intelligence agencies of your country – your country has serious problems.

Not to mention that he ran for office and could have attained congressional power if he had won.

Omar Siddiqui Ran for Congress



